“I’m hungry! Are we almost done?”
Let me guess…you probably thought the person saying this was under thirty, right? Normally, you’d be correct, but not this time! Scott, Mister X’s dad was actually the one ready to eat. Truth be told, both of them were. I’m married to Paul. I know how guys get when they’re hungry. It’s like tunnel vision. Do not pass go, do not do anything else until they’ve had something to eat. We were at George George Park for an early morning session and I’m pretty sure that they (the boys) would have rather been at IHOP eating some Belgian waffles than going around the park with a crazy photographer lady trailing their every move.
Seriously though? Mister X rocks. He’s so darn photogenic and is such a little ham. Oh yeah, and his parents are great too! We always nail our sessions together. Mister X knows what has to be done to move on, get his toy or whatever awesome superhero type thing his parents promised him for being good, and he does it with a smile. Or should I say a little mischievous smirk. Can’t wait til our next session little man!
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